5 Tips to Kick-start 2020 with Purpose

5 Tips to Kick-start 2020 with Purpose

Below you will find 5 Tips to Kickstart 2020 with Purpose. New Year resolutions at times can be false promises we make to ourselves, but this article will give you tangible tips that will leave you speechless come December.

1. Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone: On the other side of fear is another dimension of opportunities. Like the quote above, we are not able to grow when we get accustomed to being stagnant or comfortable. Discomfort is part of our lives and the more we get used to it, the more resilient and brave we become. 

 2. Set Healthy Boundaries: The Webster definition of "boundary" is something that indicates or fixes a limit or extent. There are times in our life where we have to put a limit on negative people, energy, or circumstances that keep us from living happy and healthy lives. Examples of boundaries are: turning your phone off at certain hours, saying no to extra work, or not working on the weekends.

3. Get Back to the Basics: The beginning of the year is a perfect time to get back to the basics. It's time to reset and start forming healthy habits. Whether it's setting early alarms for morning meditation, meal prepping, or taking a walk during your lunch break. Reflect on past habits that position you to reach your goals or to live a healthy lifestyle.

 4 Write It Down: There is power in writing down your goals and if you don't believe me, there is plenty of literature on how journaling or making vision boards make our goals seem more tangible. On Saturday mornings I love making a cup of chai tea, put praise music on, and write down my prayers, goals, or reflections from the week. It calms my nerves and helps me strategize on how I want to approach the following week. 

5. Have Fun: When is the last time you did something that you love? I noticed last year that I was waiting for others to pursue the things I love. Something as small as hiking or going to the movies. Life is too short to wait on others or not make time for the things that make us smile.

Comment below on 1 goal you will work on this month. For more information on how to kickstart your year with purpose, email Coach Erin at yoe.coaching@gmail.com.

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